Bristol Rose Mortgages

How To Make A Complaint

Bristol Rose Mortgages Ltd is an appointed representative of Mortgage Advice Bureau (Derby) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

We are committed to providing a professional service to all our customers. If you are unhappy then we want to hear about it so we can try to put things right. With this in mind, we have the following complaints procedure in place.
You can make a complaint by any reasonable means including telephone, letter, or email.

Our contact information:
Write to:
Bristol Rose Mortgages, Newminster House, 27 29 Baldwin St, Bristol, BS1 1LT
01174 520 330

If you prefer, you can also refer your complaint to MAB directly using the following contact details:

Write to:
Resolutions Department (Complaints), Mortgage Advice Bureau Limited, Capital House, Pride Place, Derby, DE24 8QR.
01332 200020 
We may record and monitor calls.

If your complaint cannot be resolved straightaway we will:

• Acknowledge receipt in writing, confirming our understanding of your complaint, who will be handling it and giving you the opportunity to provide any further information or documents

The Financial Ombudsman Service
If you’re dissatisfied with our response, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service for an independent review free of charge, but you must do so within six months of the date of MAB’s final response letter.

The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) will only consider your complaint once you’ve tried to resolve it with us, so please take up your concerns with us first and we’ll do all we can to help.

The FOS is also only able to consider certain categories of complaint, for example complaints about Buy to Let mortgages, which are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority will normally be outside the jurisdiction of the FOS.

In addition, the FOS might not be able to consider your complaint if:

• What you’re complaining about happened more than six years ago, and

• You’re complaining more than three years after you realised (or should have realised) that there was a problem.

If your complaint was made outside of these time limits, which is a matter for The Ombudsman to decide, The Ombudsman will not have our permission to consider your complaint and so will only be able to do so in very limited circumstances. For example, if it believes that the delay was as a result of exceptional circumstances.

Further information on the services provided by the Financial Ombudsman Service can be found on their website: or alternatively,

Post: The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London. E14 9S

Phone: 0800 023 4567 or 0300 123 9123


Let us know if you need any extra help or support. We are committed to providing a complaints service that is accessible to all our customers.

If you will have any difficulties with any elements of the process that is outlined above, or if there are circumstances that might mean we need to change the way in which we handle your complaint then please let us know when you tell us about your complaint.

We will find the right mortgage for you!
Contact us now.

Complete the form or contact us and one of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Newminster House, 27-29 Baldwin St, Bristol, BS1 1LT
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